

At Our Lady and St. Anne’s, we recognise the importance of Mathematics to the children in their everyday lives and our intent is that the Maths curriculum in our school is inclusive, engaging and purposeful for all pupils. We aim to provide a stimulating and exciting learning environment that takes account the needs of all learners and use appropriate resources to maximise teaching and learning.

Children will develop the knowledge, skills and competence and confidence in using and applying mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills across the curriculum. We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities to all children and use this to inspire all children to succeed. We aim for children to develop positive attitudes towards the subject and raise awareness of its relevance in the real world. Maths lessons in our school give the children the ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately. Children will develop initiative and motivation to work both independently and in cooperation with others, building their communication skills to ask and answer questions, openly share work and learn from mistakes. Children will also develop an understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry and investigation



Our Maths curriculum ensures all children develop the confidence, appreciation and understanding of how Maths is used in their own lives and how Maths helps in the real world. Our sequenced and progressive Maths curriculum ensures that Maths lessons are engaging and provoke conversation and thought. Our maths planning is largely based on Schemes of Learning from Abacus and enhanced by a wide range of resources. This ensures a progressive and thorough curriculum in every year group. Teachers know which objectives must be taught and assessed in each year group and can follow progressive steps to ensure pupils have a comprehensive understanding of concepts taught.

Teachers deliver one curriculum for all, providing opportunities to stay together and to work through new content as a whole group. Teachers teach these language-rich sessions to whole class, allow pupils time to practise and bring the class back together to move on. Differentiated learning is provided through a selection of tasks to consolidate fluency, use skills to solve problems or use skills and reasoning skills to solve higher-level challenge problems. Teachers use their professional judgement to determine the activities, timing and organisation in each lesson in order to suit the teaching objectives and ensure children understand each small step. For pupils who may struggle or for those children who may need extra challenge in the curriculum, in class support is provided across all year groups. Additionally, intervention and consolidation may be provided to ensure children are ready for the next lesson.

During lessons, we encourage children to self-mark, using green (correct) and pink (incorrect) highlighters. After activities, the whole class discuss answers, strategies and mistakes. This provides children with immediate feedback and time to reflect on their learning. Children respond well to this and learn well from their mistakes. We see assessment as an integral part of the teaching process and strive to make our assessment purposeful, allowing us to match the correct level of work to the needs of the pupils, thus benefiting the pupils and ensuring confidence and progress.



Our successful approach to the teaching and learning of Maths, results in a fun and engaging curriculum that embeds understanding and knowledge through a range of activities. Introductions to concepts using concrete materials and practical activities supports learning; children then move on to a more abstract understanding of Maths. Our policy of live-marking (teacher led) or self-marking (child-led) within lessons supports children in recognising their strengths and areas for development. Children are encouraged to share their misconceptions and misunderstandings and become adept in using appropriate vocabulary in doing so. The inclusion of open dialogue to discuss and explain mathematical thinking also strengthens the use and understanding of mathematical language along with ensuring children can explain, justify and evidence their thinking. Connecting maths across the curriculum highlights how Maths relates to life. We regularly use and highlight Maths across the curriculum. Additionally, we use special days throughout the year to celebrate Maths, such as World Maths Day and Maths Week.

We will measure impact through ongoing summative assessment in lessons and more formal assessment three times a year (on a termly basis). We expect that the majority of children will reach age related standards in Maths at the end of the year, and all children will make progress from their own individual starting points. Children’s knowledge, understanding and skills will build progressively over time and this will be evidenced in lessons, core tasks, assessments, and through discussions with children. Ongoing CPD and working alongside Great North Maths Hub will increase staff confidence in delivering lessons which support and challenge our children to becoming lifelong mathematicians, and will ensure high quality of delivery and progressive knowledge of pupils as they move through the school.