Welcome to Our Lady & St Anne's Catholic Primary School
Welcome to Our Lady and St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School.
We are a welcoming, happy and friendly school based in Newcastle’s City Centre. Our aim is to ensure that every single child in our care is fully supported in order to reach their full potential. For us, education is absolutely about the whole child and includes the development of their unique talents and spiritual formation.
Our dedicated staff team are fully committed in getting to know each child in our care and their families as individuals. We pride ourselves on our nurturing ethos and the relationships that we build with one another within our community. We recognise that everyone is unique and is created in the image of God (Gen 1:27).
I am passionate about providing the very best education for all of our children and I believe that when working in partnership with parents and carers, this can be achieved.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Mrs Henzell - Headteacher
Our Light Shines Always
Our Mission and Vision Statement
We want the best teaching, the best opportunities and the best support and encouragement for every child. We are a friendly, happy, Catholic school, where everyone is valued for their individuality and special gifts.
At our school we want our children to be confident, happy, and respectful individuals. We encourage everyone to become active learners, critical thinkers and problem solvers. We provide a language-rich curriculum that will strengthen resilience, foster ambition, remove barriers and increase experiences so that all our children can achieve their potential.
Ethos and Values
Our Lady and St Anne’s is a Catholic school with a very diverse community and we try to follow Jesus in what we say and what we do. We provide a broad and balanced Catholic curriculum, recognising that everyone is unique and is created in the image of God (Gen 1:27).
British Values
Our curriculum is designed to enable every child to reach their potential and contribute to society. We provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities and strong pastoral support. We incorporate democratic principles, value the rule of law, support individual liberty and foster a community in which different faiths and beliefs are respected.
Visit to The Alan Shearer Centre
Y6 Residential to Rome, May 2023
Rome May 2023
Rome May 2023
Visit to San Pio X Primary School, Rome, May 2023
Y6 Contemporary Dance with Dance City Jan 2023
NUFC Stadium Tour Y5 Attendance Award Jan 2023
Christmas Fair Dec 2022
School of Sanctuary gift wrapping at St. Vincent's Dec 2022
Scotswood Nature Garden
Scotswood Nature Garden
Celebrating becoming a School of Sanctuary at Scotswood Nature Garden
Sensory fun at the Alan Shearer Centre!
Our Junior Leadership Team wearing green to celebrate Go Green for Cafod
Writing Workshop at Kelvin Grove Primary School
Snow Fun!
Hot Chocolate with the Head!
Advent Mass 2021
Now Press Play
Breakfast with Santa 2021
Year 2 Christmas Performance 2021
Hot Chocolate with the Head!
Hot Chocolate with the Head!
Hot Chocolate with the Head!
Hot chocolate with the Head!
Extreme Reading Challenge 2022!
Ouseburn Farm
Y5/6 Catholic Cup Team
Year 4/5 Girls Football Tournament at Walker Riverside Academy
Year 5 Residential to Emmaus Youth Village
Greggs Cancer Run
Celebrating the Queen's Jubilee
Year 1 visit to Leazes Park
Jubilee Achievement Assembly
Newcastle School Achievement Awards 2022